REGISTRATION: All campers must immediately register upon arrival, indicating the names of all people in their party. The office should be notified of the arrivals/departures of family members and the registration of guests throughout the encampment to facilitate the forwarding of messages and to enable accurate head counts in emergency situations.
NO SMOKING permitted on the grounds, including tents, trailers, cottages, dormitories, apartments, and private vehicles, except in the sole designated smoking area, located adjacent to the main gate.
ABSOLUTELY NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES or ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES are permitted on the grounds, including in tents, trailers, cottages, dormitories, apartments, and private vehicle trunks and interiors. Anyone found to be in possession or under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs will be asked to leave the grounds immediately, for the remainder of the encampment without refund, and may not be considered for registration at future encampments. Anyone discovered supplying or transporting alcoholic beverages for minors will be dealt with according to law.
IDENTIFICATION: buttons or wrist bands supplied at registration should be worn at all times, while on the grounds. This is especially important for those wanting to leave and re-enter the grounds once security staff is on duty and for youth participating in evening events. Good help for meeting new friends too!
PARKING: see Parking Policy found on the website or in the Registrar’s Office
VEHICLE MOVEMENT: Speed limit is 10km/hr. Vehicle movement in the pavilion area during worship services is prohibited. At all other times, travel on the grounds at the lowest possible speed is the rule. Noisy, poorly maintained or nuisance vehicles will be banned. Bicycle riding is prohibited within the grounds.
CAMP HOURS: Registered guests and daily camp participants not having accommodations on the grounds are asked to leave no later than 11:15pm. All campers are to observe quiet from 11:30pm to breakfast time. Security personnel will enforce this regulation.
FIRE HAZARD: Only fully-attended oil, gas or electric stoves are to be used for meal preparation, and never as an unattended alternate heat source. No open flame sources are permitted, such as campfires, barbeques (except Food Services), citronella candles, etc.
WASTE and RECYCLABLE materials are to be disposed of in designated containers only.
GREY WATER generated in accommodations, tents and trailers is collected in buckets for pick-up or disposed of via sewer connections, where available. It must not be discharged on the ground.
NO PETS are allowed in the Fireside Rooms or the Dorms but well-behaved pets are welcome elsewhere as long as they are accompanied by responsible owners who will keep pets on leashes, clean up waste products, and ensure no inconvenience or annoyance to fellow campers. (See Pet Policy found on the website or in the Registrar’s office.)
TREE PRESERVATION: Please treat all trees with tender loving care. No cutting of trees or removal of branches is permitted.
DORMITORIES and the FIRESIDE ROOM are not wired for electrical appliances (ie. heaters toaster, kettles, hot plates etc.) so please do not bring them to camp. Electric blankets are permitted. NO preparation of food is permitted in the Dorms or Fireside room.
FIRE SAFETY: Please ensure that on your arrival at camp you become familiar with the location of fire extinguishers, alarm stations and your nearest emergency exit from accommodations and the grounds. Fire hoses are not to be tampered with or used for any other purpose.
911 EMERGENCY SERVICES: All emergency services such as police, fire and ambulance can be accessed by dialing 911 from any phone on the grounds (including the payphones) or from phones in the office, gate house, or any cellular phone. For your safety, become aware of your nearest phone.