Frequently Asked Questions
What activities are offered at Berwick Camp?
Activities include Morning and Evening Worship, Bible Study, Choir, Book Club, Yoga, Evening Singing, Crafts, Horseshoes, Volleyball, Basketball, Washer Toss, Campfires, Silent and Live Auction, Cribbage, Walking Group, and a Potluck Supper among others. There is also time for meeting new and old friends and silent reflection under a towering hemlock tree, in the chapel, or a walk through the labyrinth.
Are people of all religious beliefs welcome?
Yes. The Camp’s history is Methodist and then United Church since 1925. However people of all faiths, or no faith, are welcome.
Are same sex couples and their families welcome?
Absolutely. We welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, their partners and families.
Does everyone go to worship?
People go to worship as they wish. Some go every night, others a few times during the week, some on Sunday and some do not attend. There is no pressure to do anything other than what you decide for yourself.
What are the cottages like?
The cottages are different sizes and shapes, many built in the last 10 to 15 years, others 40 years -ago and some are antiques! They sleep from 2-10 people. Some include bathrooms with showers, some just partially serviced and others with no running water. The camp washrooms are never far away!
All cottages have electricity. There are no televisions or telephones. Most are equipped with fridges, small appliances and dishes. They are rustic but comfortable.
How many can a dorm room sleep?
Dorms can sleep 1-3 people. Most have a double bed but some also have a top bunk. The bathroom is located down the hall.
What is available for Camping space?
There are spaces for tenting, smaller trailers and drive through spaces for RV’s. Many spots have 30 amps.
What kind of meals are served in the Dining Hall?
Some examples of meals are Turkey, Roast Pork and Roast Beef dinner, Ham and Scalloped Potatoes, Spaghetti, Lasagna, and Corned beef and cabbage. There is always dessert as well. Breakfasts are hot with various forms of eggs, bacon, and sausage as well as hot porridge. If the cook knew of dietary concerns ahead of time, some accommodations could likely be made.
Are there other meal options?
Yes. A Deli is open at lunch time serving BBQ, sandwiches, salad, and soup, as well as desserts for a low cost.
Is there a place to swim?
Sometimes people go to Lake George or Aylesford Lake which are about 20 minutes away. There is no pool at Berwick.
What do the children and youth do at Berwick Camp?
There is programming weekday mornings for children and youth of all ages. A nursery, run in co-op style, is provided for the 2 and 3 year olds. The 4-11 year olds get together (broken into age groups) for singing, crafts and a lesson on the particular theme. Youth 12-18 (junior and senior groups) also meet for music, games and a themed discussion, film and/or activity. Afternoons usually offer crafts and sports for many ages. There is also time for free play around camp which children, of all ages, love.
How accessible is Berwick for someone who uses a wheelchair?
There are ramps at the Dining Hall and Dorms. There is a wheelchair accessible shower in one of the dorms. The washroom in the middle of camp has a large bathroom stall on each side. There is a Special Care Washroom that includes a ramp, high toilets, bars, hand held shower and a bathtub.
Where do I park?
To provide the safest and cleanest atmosphere for all campers, cars are unloaded and then parked in designated areas. There are motorized golf carts, however, to transport anyone needing a ride to a meal or event.
What age are the campers?
We have welcomed those as young as 4 days old and some in their late 90s. People in all stages of their lives attend Berwick Camp.
Is there WiFi?
There is internet connection in different spots in the Camp.