Leadership Team 2025
Karen Oliveto
Minister in Residence
Karen Oliveto, a retired Bishop of The United Methodist Church, has served in rural and urban local church and campus ministries in New York and California. She has also been the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for Pacific School of Religion and has been an adjunct professor for several seminaries, teaching United Methodist studies, Leadership, and Evangelism and Mission.
Bishop Oliveto has broken stained glass ceilings throughout her career: she performed the first legal same-gender wedding held in a United Methodist Church; she was the first woman to serve as lead pastor to one of United Methodism’s top 100 membership churches (the 12,000 member Glide Memorial in San Francisco); and she was the first openly LGBTQ bishop in The UMC.
She and her wife, Robin Ridenour, make their home in Pugwash, NS.
David Felton
Exploring Faith Today
Rev. David M. Felten is a full-time pastor at The Fountains, a United Methodist Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona. David and fellow United Methodist Pastor, Jeff Procter-Murphy, are the creators of the DVD-and-web-based discussion series for Progressive Christians, “Living the Questions” and authors of Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity. A co-founder of Catalyst Arizona and also a founding member of No Longer Silent: Clergy for Justice, David is an outspoken voice for LGBTQ rights both in the church and in the community at large. David is active in the Desert Southwest Conference of the United Methodist Church, blogs at progressingspirit.com, and, staying connected to his roots as a musician, plays saxophones in a variety of settings. David is the proud father of three reliably remarkable human beings. Visit his website at davidfelten.com
Morningside Leader
Catherine Stuart
VBS Co-coordinator & Ukulele Church Leader
An Ordained Minister in The United Church of Canada, Catherine hails from Glace Bay, NS, but currently lives in Riverview, NB, serving as the Regional Minister for Children, Youth and Young Adults for the three Atlantic Regions.
A liturgical dancer, Ukulele player, singer and liturgist, Catherine loves to bring together all of these things in her ministry. She shares this adventure with her husband, The Rev. Scott Stuart and their son, Ethan. She is excited to spend any time that she can under the hemlocks!
Carolyn Milne
VBS Co-coordinator
Carolyn has been a Berwick camper for 35 years and lives in Hammonds Plains, NS with her husband, Randy, and their four sons. With 22 years of experience teaching students from primary to Grade 6, she is currently an Elementary Literacy Support Teacher in Halifax. Passionate about literacy, Carolyn is excited to share her love of learning with the children at Berwick Camp again this year. After several years teaching VBS children in Oxley, she’s looking forward to co-coordinating the VBS program with Catherine Stuart. Outside of teaching, Carolyn enjoys cooking and baking, and spending time with her family, whether at home or camping with her husband and boys.
Linnea Good
Ukulele Church/ VBS Music
Linnea Good is a composer, performer, worship leader, accredited biblical storyteller and Christian educator. She and drummer-spouse David Jonsson live in Summerland BC, where they strike an un-balance between Linnea's local and online music teaching, and their work in concerts, conferences, missions and worship animating for the wider Church. The most fun of those ministries is the United Church Atlantic regions' "Ukulele Church" - a worshipping community that combines ukulele learning with bible telling and devotion. She and David have been blessed to travel regularly to India where they have shared in music ministry and biblical storytelling instruction with Christian leaders.
Jenny Carroll
Youth Co-coordinator
Jenny will be sharing the role of Youth Coordinator with Shanna Bernier. More details coming soon!
Shanna Bernier
Youth Co-coordinator
Shanna Bernier (she/her) is the Program Support for First-Third Ministry in the Nakonha:ka regional council. Shanna grew up in the Eastern Townships of Quebec and has over 20 years of camping and youth work experience under her belt. Shanna trained at Bishop’s University as an art teacher, but has found her calling outside the classroom in United Church youth ministry. Before her current Regional Council position began in 2019, she worked for congregations, presbyteries and conference in various volunteer and paid youth work positions. Shanna lives in Sherbrooke QC with her husband and two awesome kids. Shanna’s many passions include baking, choral singing, coaching little kid soccer, sewing, reading chapter books out loud, and getting youth excited about social justice.
Bethany Gjesdal
Nursery Coordinator
I’ve been a camper at Berwick Camp for my whole life, and now I’m thrilled to see my own kids having the amazing time the camp offers. When I started as Nursery Coordinator, my kids were there, and I was in school to obtain my Level 3 qualification in Early Childhood Education. My children have now grown out of the nursery, and I have stayed as I love working with this age group. My day job is working as an ECE with the preprimary program in the Halifax school board. Our nursery at camp is mostly a parent co-op, where we all take turns helping out. That way, everyone should be able to get to some of the morning programs.
Keith Hagerman
Co-Worship Leader
Keith Hagerman has attended Berwick Camp for more than 50 summers, and has offered leadership in music, contemporary worship, Morningside, adult education, and has written a musical, Solidarity, that premiered at Berwick. Keith is thrilled to take on the role of Co-Worship Leader with Shawn Redden, following in his father’s footsteps – who served as Superintendent of Worship for many years back in the 1970s when Keith was a teenager. Celebrating 37 years as a UCC minister, Keith is a progressive theologian and a musician, making connections between the world and evolving spirituality, and has served congregations in Ontario and the Maritimes. Keith is father to four young women and grandfather to one, and shares his life with Nicole Langlois. They live in Kitchener, Ontario. Presently Keith is the senior minister at Marshall Memorial in Ancaster, Ontario.
Shawn Redden
Co-Worship Leader
Shawn Redden has attended Berwick Camp since her daughter was a pre-schooler and now is delighted to bring her two grandchildren to play under the hemlocks! She enjoys accompanying people along their spiritual journey, deepening their relationship with the Sacred through creative worship, retreat leadership, and faith formation with all ages. In previous years Shawn has led Morningside at Berwick; this year she joins Keith Hagerman as Co-Worship Leader.
Shawn serves as Justice and Faith Formation Minister for Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils of the United Church of Canada. Previously she served congregations in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. She holds a D.Min. in Spiritual Leadership. As a transplanted Maritimer, she presently makes her home in Mount Forest, Ontario.
Laura and Chris Bowman
Music Leaders
Chris and Laura Bowman are delighted to be returning to Berwick this summer to make music, along with their favourite musical collaborators, daughters Meredith and Erica. Chris enjoys making music as a conductor, solo and choral singer, educator, and composer. He is Minister of Music at First United Church in Truro, NS, where he works with a handbell ensemble, church choir, and a new social justice youth choir. He is also the Artistic Director of the Cantabile Choral Society, and a singer with the Juno-nominated Canadian Chamber Choir. Chris, along with collaborator Valerie Kingsbury, has written dozens of hymns and liturgical songs. Laura is an elementary music specialist A lifelong lover of music, her formative years were spent mak.ng music within her musical family and as a member of the Toronto Children's Chorus. Laura is a versatile musician who enjoys conducting, singing, playing several instruments, and inspiring others to love the music they are making.
Karen Sanford & Preston
Property and Grounds Staff
Karen and Preston are a vital part of our Berwick team. They put their heart and soul into working tirelessly to keep our grounds maintained from April to November, and ensure our encampments run smoothly. Their smiles are there to greet us daily at camp. We are grateful to have such dedicated staff, who are such an integral part of the Berwick family.
Berwick Board of Directors 2024-25
Paul Dillman
Cynthia Wood
Past President
Krista Rietzel
1st Vice President
Peter Johnston
Anne Levo-Harrop
Wendy Levo
Janet Sollows
Camp Operations
Public Worship & Program
Julia Cottingham
Property & Grounds
Chrissie Crooks
Property & Grounds
Leslie Reid
Ted Tupper
Food Services
Leadership Search
Anne Montgomery
Local Arrangements
Kim Ward-Young
Nancy Creighton